Hi, I am Timo! I am a web & software developer
who cares about the planet and sustainability.


This is a small selection of my latest projects. Don't hesitate to check the project details or click on the link to see more of my projects.
UX / UI Frontend, Django, Python, HTML/CSS/JS, Wagtail

Project Management,
Wordpress Fixer

UI Frontend, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP


Large or small, sophisticated or easy peasy - I will find a solution for your business. See my services in detail.
HTML/CSS/JS, Django, Web2py, NodeJS, VueJS
I am a web developer since 2011, fluent in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also enjoy working with web frameworks such as Django or NodeJS/Express. Click the button on the right to see some examples.

Python, Javascript, Github, Continuous Integration
I am developing software since 2010. Back in the day I was focused on developing software tools and web applications for the scientific community. Today I am open for any software business, preferably Python or JS-based.

English <-> German, Acadamic or Industrial
"It's only words", people say. Yes, but words matter. Their correctness in terms of orthography and coherence is most dear to me. So trust me with your proof reading and translations English <-> German.

With a little help from my friends

I have a long experience in web and software development and enjoy building frameworks and web pages. But am I a professional when it comes to the most modern web layouts and content marketing techniques? Surely not. That's why I collaborate closely with the team of Kaiser Design, a Bielefeld-Berlin-based design agency filled to the brim with creative cool cats. In designing your website you wouldn't want a tech geek to make the decision between Comic Sans or Arial. I let the professionals do that and take care of the coding.


For several years now I am engaged in the fight against climate change and focus primarily on combatting the spread of misinformation on the topic. In my blog you can read a lot about climate, science, and climate science communication.
May 16, 2020

#00: Another Climate Blog: But why?

Welcome to my climate blog Tmag! This disclaimer will walk you through what you can (and can't) expect when you roam these pages.

Dec. 6, 2021

#10: Climate has changed before - but not like this

The most common misunderstanding about climate change is that of the details of its constant variability. Sure, it has been much colder and much warmer before on this planet. But is that comparable to today's climate change?

May 21, 2021

#09: Talking about climate change: Necessary, yet so uncomfortable

Talking about climate change in order to prevent climate change is a necessity. And just like other necessities, it's painfully uncomfortable to do. How come?

Still in the ivory tower - some­times

After 10 long years in science (working as a Computational Biologist at Humboldt University), I quit to become a self-employed web and software developer. But I was never really able to resist the interesting scientific projects that still evolved around my old friends in the ivory tower. Thus, I am still very much involved in several scientific projects in collaboration with Humboldt University, the Charité Berlin, and the Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE) in Paris, France. You can follow my scholarly efforts on my Google Scholar Page.


Do you want to discuss a project or just grab a cup of coffee?

I'd love to meet you!